Displaying the most recent of 742 posts written by


Apparently I can be productive during a heat wave after all.

Summer-induced mental slump: unblocked. Conference paper abstract: submitted. As Austin Powers would say: Yeah, baby, yeah!

Today’s haul from the farmers’ market

One loaf of bread One big bunch of Swiss chard One bag of arugula (more than I can eat in salads, so some of it will go into pasta) Five strange little cucumbers with yellowish-green skin, each the size of a lemon Four tomatoes of various colors One bunch of purple basil Three donut peaches […]

Mystery of the abandoned town

How strange: an entire Italian hill town near Genova apparently abandoned and falling to bits. I found the page of photos on del.icio.us popular; it turns out to be part of a larger site of pictures of abandoned places. What’s with the one building with curtains and shutters in the windows? The rusting bicycle and […]

Small quandary

I’ve been assembling an online portfolio, partly for demonstration purposes (for a talk I’ll be giving) and partly for future job-hunting. I’ve got links or citations to a bunch of writing, formal and informal, library-oriented and literature-oriented. I’ve been thinking of sending potential portfolio-readers to a handful of posts here, particularly the series I did […]

Mass transit anthropology

Flipping through a book on people’s relationship to space in the library over the weekend, I came across an analysis of seating patterns on British trains, and in particular the unspoken rule that people never sit directly next to or directly opposite someone else unless they have to. I’ve seen this rule in action on […]

Thoughts on HP7

I finished it! It had its plot and pacing flaws, but when the action shifted back to Hogwarts, I was more than willing to forgive them. Interesting conversation going on at Easily Distracted, too — but don’t read it if you haven’t read the book yet. Spoilery reflections follow in the comments:


I desperately want a Bookinist chair. Because it’s not just a chair with built-in bookshelves; it’s a chair with built-in bookshelves and a secret compartment with a little Moleskine-pocket. Why has nobody thought of this before now? (via librarian.net)

In which I succumb to Harry Potter mania

Signs that we’re only a few days from the release of the new Harry Potter book, # 358: You walk into a university library (Drexel’s, to be exact) and find the place draped with streamers in various Hogwarts house colors, and signs that say things like "Hermione’s nook" and "Voldemort Cave." I’ll admit to rolling […]

Knitting project jamboree

I don’t know why, but my brain’s been feeling logy of late. Maybe it’s just because it’s summer and part of me still equates this time of year with school vacations and laziness. At any rate, I’ve got a bit of blogger’s block going on; most of my writing energy is going into thinking about […]

Personal anthology: Guillaume Apollinaire

I noticed this poem somewhere on a LibraryThing discussion thread, and it stayed with me. Turns out it’s in Apollinaire’s Alcools. L’adieu J’ai cueilli ce brin de bruyèreL’automne est morte souviens-t’enNous ne nous verrons plus sur terreOdeur du temps brin de bruyèreEt souviens-toi que je t’attends — Guillaume Apollinaire And here’s my (rather clumsy) translation: […]