Displaying the most recent of 742 posts written by


In praise of the dijalog

Things I love about living in the 21st century (a partial list): The way the advent of blogs and social tagging services (del.icio.us, Flickr, and the like) has created so many wonderfully geeky conversations about low-tech tools like pens and paper and notebooks. That I can share bookmarks pertaining to the kinds of obscure topics […]

Sunday opera matinee live

Feel like listening to the Sunday Opera Matinee on WTJU with me? You can now listen to live streaming audio. If you tune in right now, you can catch the second act of Rigoletto with Placido Domingo and Ileana Cotrubas. It’s nice to know that wherever I end up after this, I’ll still be able […]

Personal anthology: Paul Verlaine

Fall semester starts here next week (yes, even though it’s before Labor Day, and even though it’s still August). It’s been one of those workweeks where my planner has been pretty much solidly filled with appointments and meetings. And this weekend, I’ve got to work on an article I promised to contribute to an essay […]

Hey, I remember those steps!

Even though I’ve just marked the two-year anniversary of the completion of my dissertation, I can’t resist quoting Mike’s post on The Dissertation Flail, because it made me laugh out loud: As should be evident from the name, it’s a dance best done to slow, angsty, navel-gazing music. The Dissertation Flail Go around in tiny […]

I always secretly wanted to be a glam rocker.

You’re Brian Eno. You’re a little reclusive maybe, a little quieter than most people… But man, who needs outside entertainment when your brain is like KABOOM all the time? You are innovative, creative, and intelligent. You dress flamboyantly, gravitating towards large feathers and tinsel. Everyone respects you, and looks up to you. We are not […]

Remember, only you can prevent…small harmless wisps of steam.

I would like to track down the following people: 1. The person or persons who designed the smoke detector in my apartment, a smoke detector so horrifically loud and strident that every time it goes off I jump like I’ve been shot, my hands shake, and I get the ominous feeling that my lifespan has […]

Despite the heat, the show goes on

I’ve just returned from the Ash Lawn Opera Festival expedition filled with the sort of contentment one only gets from eating a good dinner outdoors in enjoyable company, listening to promising young sopranos sing of love turned to suicidal despair, and wallowing unabashedly in melodramatic emotion. In other words, it was a great evening. My […]

Used book trade meets hide-and-seek

BookCrossing, a site for free, random book exchange, looks like a lot of fun. The idea is that you tag one of your books with a label that directs the finder to the Bookcrossing site, release the book into the wild, and then post a message indicating where you left it. Then the next person […]

Adding “Metropolitan Opera archivist” to list of dream jobs

This is amazing: the Metropolitan Opera now has a huge database of information on every performance since 1883. And don’t miss the "Sights and Sounds of the Met" historical timeline either. (Via infoshare.) [P.S.: speaking of opera, I’m going to the Ash Lawn Opera Festival‘s production of Madama Butterfly next week. First live performance I’ve […]

Gratuitous feline cuteness

In case you’re suffering from a deficit of kitten pictures: The Daily Kitten. Because sometimes, one just wants to look at cute fluffy kittens. (Via Feministe.)