Gah! The Eye of Sauron is watching us! (Via this Tolkien thread at The Valve, which I have just gotten around to blogrolling.)
…with the interview, Dorothea!
I meant to blog this amazing New Yorker story about the Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloisters, conservation, digital imaging, and supercomputers, but, preoccupied by other things, I forgot. Fortunately, Ramage spotted it too. Also from Ramage: GoogleMontage, a site that creates instant photo-montages by automatically combining images from Google when you feed it some search […]
Thanks to le blogue de Rana en français, I see that this blog, in French, is Opéra de ménage. C’est drôle, n’est-ce pas? Did I ever post about Edward Gorey’s The Blue Aspic, which recounts the rise of a soprano named Ortenzia Caviglia and the parallel decline of Jasper Ankle, her most insanely devoted fan? […]
I have an abiding fondness for the how-to format. (When I taught writing, my favorite assignment was always the "how to" essay; my students seemed to enjoy it as well.) Here are a few recent favorite links from others who appreciate a good process analysis: Lifehacker, a new blog about "the downloads, web sites, and […]
I hate it when I have an idea for something amusing to post here, like, say, fictional character sketches to go with the wackier made-up names adopted by the senders of the spam that washes up in my spam-filters, and I receive a particularly fine example one morning (an otherwise unmemorable spam from one "Romeo […]
Whoa. Just, whoa. Go listen to this Zauberflöte-singing parrot. (You know, for years I’ve lain awake wondering whether it would be possible to teach a bird to sing that aria. And now…and now the question has been answered. Thank you, Harrison!)
Via Library Girl, an exhibit at MIT that offers the perfect solution to the problem of "too many books, too little furniture": just turn your books into furniture. Note the reading lamp, the encyclopedia bench, and the quilt made out of pages. And with that, goodbye for now; I’m taking a holiday blogging break. See […]
Because sometimes you need some eye/ear/tastebud candy… For the eyes: Zoom Quilt (how did they do that? — via things magazine); Balnea, a virtual museum of sea-bathing (via Ramage, which I can’t believe I didn’t discover earlier) For the ears: the jazzy Brazilian French Japanese Italian noirish lounge stylings of Pink Martini. Their cover of […]
The Science of Music: an exhibit from the Exploratorium. Covering such eternal questions as why everyone sings better in the shower, why your voice sounds freakishly weird on tape, and what makes a song become an earworm. Also, I spent an inordinate amount of time playing with the Dot Mixer. (Via the Scout Report.) The […]