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Go to Kentucky, underwear, lemon

Bill Keaggy collects found grocery lists and exhibits them at his site. As a recent New York Times article on his grocery list collection explains, entire personalities can be pieced together (or not) from these found documents: ”Some people pass judgment on the things they buy,” Keaggy says. At the end of one list, the […]

Rather personal post with too many instances of the word “blog” and its derivatives

Definition of blogospheric small-world-after-all weirdness: discovering the blog of an ex with whom one had a traumatic breakup during one’s younger and more drama-prone years. Oy. Definition of blog-facilitated reassurance: looking at said ex’s blog and thinking "Thank god. We really did both grow into different people, and I really did get over her ages […]

Tea break

In the Food Blogs to Watch category: NiceCupOfTeaAndASitDown. Because on days like this one where I’ve gotten into a severe fret over the sheer amount of packing/jettisoning/selling-off that has to happen within the next two (gulp) weeks, I could really use a nice cup of tea and a sit-down. Actually, even more than that, I […]

Latin blogging

Get your Martial epigrams (in English and Latin) here. How cool is that? Via Uncle Jazzbeau’s Gallimaufrey.

Giddy-relief-induced linkorama

I just finalized my moving arrangements, and found out that it’s not going to be quite as expensive as I’d feared. It’s not cheap, but it won’t put a killer strain on my finances either. Even with all the books. Hurrah! Now, all I need to do is find someone to take over my apartment […]

Catching up on a ton of blog reading

Scribblingwoman shares my pen fetish. (I’m more of a fountain pen person, though. Someday I will earn enough money to splurge on a red marbled Aurora Optima. Or a Delta Dolce Vita Mini. Or a high-end Pelikan. Drool.) Drooling of a different sort: fabulous-sounding sorbets from green gabbro. Mmm, lavender. File under "wish I had […]

Mmm. Clove oranges.

Found via the main Typepad page: i was just really very hungry., a food blog I think I’ll be reading regularly. Handrolled sushi! Ochazuke (which I’ve never tasted but now feel compelled to try making)! Things to do with oranges in winter! Capsule reviews of food books! And gorgeous design, to boot. Now I’m hungry. […]