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Mapping and transportation hacks, #253

I've been trying to figure out the bus system for my soon-to-be neck of the woods, and have thus far found the regional transit agency's website a tad challenging to navigate. So I made up my own transit map instead, with the bus routes marked on it, plus grocery stores and coffee shops and sundry […]

Wardrobe advice bleg

[Warning: I’m going to talk about clothes for this entire post. If you’re looking for serious intellectual content, you may want to look elsewhere.] I just won a small academic award from the iSchool. The prospect of a minor financial windfall, combined with the prospect of an “economic stimulus check” from the feds, has gotten […]

In which I finally get to breathe a bit

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve had two campus-visit job interviews and one phone interview in the space of eight or nine days. I don’t know exactly when the Great Job Search of ’08 will end, but I should know more next month. Most of it is unbloggable at this point, but I’ve been […]

Not dead. Just resting.

I’m glancing back in during my job-search-madness-month hiatus to say: Hello, blogosphere, I’ve missed you! I’m still busy, still neck-deep in readings and assignments, and prepping a couple of job talks while getting ready for another phone interview. But I’ll try to post intermittently while the rush is on. Things that are making life easier […]

In which life gets really, really busy

Spring quarter at Drexel — a.k.a. my very last quarter of library school — started this week. I’ve got ten more weeks to go, which seems like no time at all. But during those ten weeks, I’m going to be working, taking two reading-intensive courses and a job practicum, continuing my job search, going for […]

Unsent letters, #481

Dear tourists, I’m glad you’ve decided to come to Philadelphia. Really. I think it’s cool that you’re here instead of some of the more obviously touristy cities. And kudos to you for leaving the precincts of Independence Mall and the Liberty Bell to explore Reading Terminal Market; I’m quite fond of it, so I’m glad […]

The end of the term, at long last

Final project status: Four down, none to go. Fall quarter at Drexel is officially done. Yay! A weekend of hosting, cooking, shopping for relatives, and general decompression awaits. Catch you all later.

Crickets chirping

Boy, it’s quiet around here. (…Too quiet, as they always say in the movies right before something dramatic and loud happens.) Is everyone else in the midst of end-of-term/pre-holiday madness too? My head is so crammed with final projects — current status: two down, two (both underway) to go — that I can’t even think […]

Things to be thankful for

It’s November, it’s cold (the kind of cold you don’t notice at first but that gets into your bones nonetheless), it’s rainy, SEPTA’s regional rail trains are all running late because it’s rainy and there are leaves on the tracks, there’s way too much to do before the end of this term at Drexel, and […]

Random feline bullets of fall

It seems like the universe has been strewing my path with kittens lately. To wit: The barbershop a few blocks from where I live has adopted a marmalade-striped kitten, which is already starting to grow up into a marmalade tabby cat. Often when I pass by, I’ll see the kitten napping in the store window, […]