It’s been nearly a year since I moved to New York. You’d think my decades-long crush on this city would have abated a bit by now, wouldn’t you? You’d think I’d be used to it by now, that I’d have developed my own list of gripes and complaints (New Yorkers love to kvetch, after all). […]
I ended 2011 on a not very happy note, feeling stuck in both my personal and my professional life, and fully expecting 2012 to bring more of the same. Well, 2012, you sure blew those expectations away, didn’t you? I’ve never in my whole life been happier to have been proved completely wrong. In January, […]
I’m here! Safe and sound! Moved a couple of weeks ago, started my new job in mid-September, only just got the internets in my new apartment. Yes, the new job is fantastic so far. I continue to feel like I won the lottery and got whisked off to a ball in a transformed pumpkin carriage. I just […]
I’ve been sitting on this news until I had a formal offer letter in hand, but now I do, and now I can say it: I have a new job! In mid-September, I’m going to be the new Librarian for English and Comparative Literature at New York University‘s Elmer Holmes Bobst Library. I’m in the […]