I read more books, or at least it feels like I read more books, when I can keep a tally of them somewhere. I also read more books when I have a way of tracking all the books I want to read — the ones that friends and colleagues have recommended, the ones I read […]
A few days ago, someone on Opera-L mentioned Gabriel Kahane's Craigslistlieder, a song cycle based on, you guessed it, personal ads from Craigslist. (One of them, the wildly funny "Neurotic and Lonely," can be heard on Gabriel Kahane's MySpace page; or you can listen to them all here). Tickled, I promptly tweeted about it. At […]
Over at the THATCamp blog, I’ve just posted some preliminary ideas for a session about literary mapping. I’d cross-post here, but there’s some overlap with my earlier spatiality project posts; so I’m just going to link, in case any of you are curious. In the meantime, if you’re interested, have a look at my experiment […]
Someone’s clearly been reading my mind. Dracula, one of my current obsessions, meets Twitter-fiction, another of my current obsessions, over at Real-Time Dracula, a “reimagining/modernization/condensation of the classic horror novel Dracula in the Web 2.0 medium.” I don’t quite agree with all of the characterization (e.g. Lucy’s use of OMG giggly teen txtspeak!!!1!), but I […]
I’ve blogged previously about my map obsession, and about wanting to do something with poetry and spatial or geographic visualization. And since one of my plans for this summer is attending THATCamp 2009 (yay!), I’ve been thinking a lot about what kinds of projects these interests might lead to. What follows is some thinking-out-loud. As […]
For the most part, I love Google Maps. I use it all the time when I want to find out where the nearest (fill in the blank) is, and I've put together a lot of practical maps for my own use: public transit in New London, yarn stores in all the towns I've visited, opera […]
…but it is rather silly, in its own way. Consider: First there was the Facebook Hamlet, at McSweeney's. Then there was the Facebook Aeneid ("Dido changed her relationship status to Married. Aeneas changed his relationship status to It's Complicated.") and the Facebook Pride and Prejudice.* And the college class that reenacted Romeo and Juliet on […]
I've blogged previously about characters from TV shows (most notably Battlestar Galactica) showing up on Twitter. And it's not just BSG: just recently I started watching AMC's Mad Men, twittered about it, and shortly thereafter got a notification that "Peggy Olson is now following you on Twitter." It turns out that the twittering Mad Men […]
I've had a chance to try out the new iPod Touch lately, and I'm predictably in love with its combination of usefulness, high-end aesthetics, and ridiculous but cool features (among the apps I've downloaded from the App Store, just for the hell of it, are a Magic 8 Ball simulator and a carpenter's level). The […]
Various people have noticed Clive Thompson's New York Times article on Twitter, Facebook, and the ambient social awareness that these kinds of tools promote. He points out a lot of things I find interesting about microblogging, particularly the way small bits of information add up into a new kind of sense of one's friends' lives, […]