Very quick Ada Lovelace Day post

Because I somehow managed to forget that today is Ada Lovelace Day, I don't have a full-on post about a particular woman in technology ready to go. And I couldn't narrow it down to just one. So instead I'm cheating a bit by posting a list of all the women I'd like to write about at greater length if my brain hadn't spaced out this week:

Happy Ada Lovelace Day, everyone!

2 Responses to “Very quick Ada Lovelace Day post”

  1. Laura says:

    How lovely to pop in here straight from the 2D-goggles site of Ada Lovelace and Babbage comic strips and find you’ve Ada-ed as well!
    We’re all at it… here’s mine
    Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

  2. Amanda says:

    Hooray for everyday math and chemistry and physics!