Introducing NoNaShoStoWriMo
I have a longstanding track record of intending to participate in NaNoWriMo and then never actually participating. Every year, usually in spring or summer, I tell myself that this year I’ll do it; and then November rolls around and I haven’t a single idea that could turn into a novel.
But this year I have an idea for at least a short story, if not a full-on novel: the 3-D city modeling story idea that I blogged about last month. And I’m kind of itching for an excuse to make myself write it. Several of us in the Twitter/blogosphere—Rana of Frogs and Ravens, Jill of Writing…or Typing?, and myself—have been talking about using November as a month to write something of roughly short story length; and because it’s only a three-person venture so far, we provisionally called it NoNaShoStoWriMo, or Not-National Short Story Writing Month.
Depending on how the story goes, I’m planning to blog my progress intermittently, or at least tweet word counts, and at the end of the month, I’ll see what I want to do with the results. If any of you, Readers, want to join in, go for it!
Incidentally, there’s also a sweater-knitting NaNoSweMo (or NaSweKniMo) project for knitters. But between the sweater I’m already trying to finish, the shawl I’m knitting for my mom for Christmas, the socks I’m making for one of my knitting groups’ sock charity auction effort, and a handful of other projects, there’s no way I could actually start and finish an entire sweater in November. Unless it were a sweater for a small dog. (And I think dogs in sweaters look ridiculous.)
I wish I felt like I could do this. My writing output has been pitiful this fall. What a great idea, though! I might have a better shot at the sweater.