First week of classes in review

Miscellaneous notes from the first week of classes:

  • Wow, it’s been a while since I was a student. My Tuesday evening class was practically my first exposure to PowerPoint as a lecture presentation method. Not that I’ve never encountered PowerPoint before — far from it — but before this term, I’d never taken a class where the professor used it. Though this may have something to do with humanities professors’ notorious resistance to new technologies than anything else. (Transparencies on the overhead projector, anyone?)
  • Info 503, Introduction to Information Systems Analysis, was a bit of a culture shock at first, since it’s oriented toward the business-and-tech side of things. But then the professor started talking about object-oriented approaches to systems analysis, and my ears pricked up, even though it’s a fairly new set of concepts for me.
  • I never really thought about it before, but I must be a visual learner — everything makes more sense to me if there are diagrams.
  • The challenging thing about evening classes (this, at least, I remember from the occasional three-hour, 6 PM graduate seminar back in my Eng. Lit. days) is figuring out when to eat. I suspect that sandwiches before class and big salads at home afterwards are the answer. And energy bars. Lots and lots of ’em.
  • In Info 510 (Information Sources and Services), we went around the room and introduced ourselves. It’s an interesting blend of just-finished-college folks and self-proclaimed career changers. Everyone has a different background.
  • I’m finally going to learn how to use Dialog. Yay!
  • And now, back to thinking about topics for group project #1 of my MSLIS career…

3 Responses to “First week of classes in review”

  1. dale says:

    amanda, have you by any chance seen the powerpoint version of the gettysburg address?

  2. EL says:

    I’m not out of my twenties yet and I’ve never seen Powerpoint in the classroom. Oh yeah, and I’m still in school.

  3. Amanda says:

    Oh, man, that Gettysburg Address site is hilarious. Edward Tufte would be pleased.