And a young opera fanatic is born.

This post from Bitch. Ph.D. is making me rethink my decision not to have children:

Saturday, we were running an errand and I was flipping around the radio
and came upon a broadcast of the Met’s production of La Boheme.

Pseudonymous kid:  Wait!  Stop.  That music is beautiful.
Me:  Do you like it?
Pseudonymous kid:  Yes, let’s listen to it.

Pseudonymous kid:  Is the lady with the beautiful voice the person who has tuburculosis?
Yes, that’s right. And the man who loves her is sad, because he knows
she is going to die. And he is very poor, so he cannot help her.
Pseudonymous kid:  That is sad.  Oh, it’s starting again, shhh.


2 Responses to “And a young opera fanatic is born.”

  1. michelle says:

    That’s sweet. It is amazing what they come out w/at times, can appreciate and verbalize in such beautiful ways. Of course, mine are just obsessed with gross body functions right now…

  2. dale says:

    My favorite part of parenthood so far.
    I got to read all my favorite fiction to my daughter. Austen, Dickens, Tolstoy, Eliot, Thackeray. It’s wonderful to share the stuff you love most with children. Different from any other kind of sharing, because they trust you in a different way than anyone else trusts you. Of course your voice for Micawber is right. It *is* Micawber’s voice.
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog, when I was so down, Amanda. It really helped.